generated at
de- (expressing reversal) + cipher
source: [フルメタル・パニックの相良宗介がもらったラブレターを全く見当違いに解読するGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 66034]

verb with object
〈暗号など〉を解読する(↔ cipher)
e.g. enable the government to decipher coded computer transmissions.
succeed in understanding, interpreting, or identifying (something):
〈難読文字など〉を判読する, 読みとる
e.g. an expression she could not decipher came and went upon his face.

decipherable |dəˈsīf(ə)rəb(ə)l| adjective
decipherment |dəˈsīfərmənt| noun

early 16th century: from de- (expressing reversal) + cipher1, on the pattern of French déchiffrer.