source: [三者三葉の西川葉子が質素にもパンの耳を食べるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE
パンの耳, 皮,
e.g. a sandwich with the crusts cut off
e.g. I tore off several pieces of crust from the loaf.
e.g. a kindly old woman might give her a crust.
パイ, ピザの皮
かたくなった表面, かたい外皮; (傷口の)かさぶた.
e.g. a crust of snow.
〘地〙 地殻, 表層
e.g. the earth's crust
e.g. at the midocean ridge new crust is formed.
verb no object
かたい皮, 表面になる; 表面が凍る(over).
e.g. the blisters eventually crust over.
…をかたい皮, 表面で覆う; かたい表面にする.
e.g. the burns crusted his cheek.