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[*** \mathrm{copper}^1] |ˈkäpər|

>Copper was the earliest metal to be used by humans, first by itself and then later alloyed with tin to form bronze. A ductile, easily worked metal, it is a very good conductor of heat and electricity and is used especially for electrical wiring.
銅〘金属元素; ⦅記号⦆ Cu; 主に硬貨・電線などの原料〙; 〖形容詞的に〗銅(製)の; 銅色の
2. British a copper coin, especially a penny:
⦅英・くだけて⦆ ; 〖通例~s〗 銅貨, 1ペニー貨(penny); 小銭.
e.g. you could hire a raft for a few coppers.
3. a reddish-brown color like that of copper:
⦅文⦆ 銅色
e.g. she had copper-colored hair.
4. with modifier a small butterfly of North America and Eurasia. The upper surface of its wings is typically bright reddish-orange or purple.
>Genus Lycaena, family Lycaenidae:
e.g. numerous species, including the American copper (L. phlaeas) of the eastern US and arctic North America.

verb with object
cover or coat (something) with copper:
〈船底など〉を銅で覆う, …に銅板を張る
e.g. some iron hulls were sheathed with wood and then coppered
e.g. (as adjective coppered) : coppered pins.

Old English copor, coper (related to Dutch koper and German Kupfer), based on late Latin cuprum, from Latin cyprium aes ‘Cyprus metal’ (so named because Cyprus was the chief source).

[*** \mathrm{copper}^2] |ˈkäpər|

noun British informal
⦅英・くだけて⦆ お巡り, サツ, 巡査, 警官(→ cop, police officer)

mid 19th century: from cop1 + -er1.