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verb |kəmˈpres| with object
〈空気・ガスなど〉を圧縮[圧搾]する; …を押し[締め]付ける; …を圧縮[圧搾]して «…に» 詰め込む «into»
e.g. the skirt can be folded and compressed into a small bag.
no object be squeezed or pressed together or into a smaller space:
〈物などが〉縮む; 〖~ into A〗 縮んでAになる
e.g. the land is sinking as the soil compresses.
squeeze or press (two things) together:
e.g. Violet compressed her lips together grimly.
〈思想・表現など〉を «…に» 凝縮する «into»
e.g. in this chapter we compress into summary form the main findings.
〘コンピュ〙 〈ファイル〉を圧縮する

noun |ˈkämˌpres|
〘医〙 (止血・消炎用の)圧迫包帯[湿布]
e.g. a cold compress.

compressible |kəmˈpresəb(ə)l| adjective

late Middle English: from Old French compresser or late Latin compressare, frequentative of Latin comprimere, from com-together’ + premere ‘to press’; or directly from compress-pressed together’, from the verb comprimere.