verb with object
〖believe (that)節〗 …ということを信じる(↔
disbelieve)(連語really, actually, truly, quite; firmly, honestly, strongly, sincerely, seriously, deeply)
e.g. the superintendent believed Lancaster's story
e.g. with clause : Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead.
〈人(の発言)・事〉を信用する, 本当だ[正しい]と思う
e.g. he didn't believe her or didn't want to know.
信じる, 思う; (神を)信じる, 強い信仰心をもっている
e.g. there are those on the fringes of the Church who do not really believe.
believe A of B: B〈人〉がA〈ひどい行為〉をするような人だと思う (!通例否定文で) .
e.g. I wouldn't have believed it of Lois—what an extraordinary woman!
〖believe (that)節〗 (確信はないがたぶん)…だと思う; ⦅かたく⦆
e.g. I believe we've already met
〖believe A to do/A(to be) C〗 Aが…する[AはCである]と思う(⦅よりくだけて⦆ think) (!(1)to不定詞を伴う場合, しばしば受け身で用いられるが, この構文では能動態よりもくだけた言い方. (2)doにはbe, have doneのほか, 通例状態を表す〖動詞〗がくる; ↓ 語法 . (3)Cは〖名詞〗〖形容詞〗〖分詞〗; 主に〖形容詞〗の場合to beは省略されることがあるが⦅比較的まれ⦆ )
e.g. (believe someone/something to be) : four men were believed to be trapped
e.g. things were not as bad as the experts believed
I believe(, ...)〗 確か…と思う, たぶん[おそらく]…だろう
e.g. humu-humu are, I believe, shrimp fritters.
used to concede that a proposition or statement is surprising:
e.g. believe it or not, the speaker was none other than Horace.
used to emphasize the truth of a statement or assertion:
e.g. believe me, she is a shrewd woman.
be amazed by what one sees or hears:
e.g. I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the box.
used to express disbelief in the truth of a statement:
e.g. he says he is left of center, but don't you believe it.
used to express surprise at something one is relating:
e.g. they're still arguing, would you believe it?
be unable (or hardly able) to believe something
be amazed by something:
e.g. I couldn't believe what was happening
e.g. Clarke could hardly believe his luck as he put the ball into the empty net.
1. have faith in the truth or existence of:
e.g. I believe in ghosts.
2. be of the opinion that (something) is right, proper, or desirable:
e.g. I don't believe in censorship of the arts
e.g. he didn't believe in sex before marriage.
3. have confidence in (a person or a course of action):
e.g. he had finally begun to believe in her.