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1. a person's knowledge or experience of something:
⦅かたく⦆ (学習・体験などによって得た) 【学問・芸術などに関する】知識, 心得 «with»
e.g. the students had little acquaintance with the language.
one's slight knowledge of or friendship with someone:
【人との】面識, 付き合い, 交遊 «with» (!具体例ではan ~; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う)
e.g. I renewed my acquaintance with Herbert
e.g. most men of her acquaintance were in uniform now.
2. a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend:
知り合い, 知人, 顔見知り, なじみ (!friendと違い, 強い信頼関係はない)
e.g. a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.
e.g. his extensive acquaintance included Oscar Wilde and Yeats.

meet someone for the first time and become only slightly familiar:
⦅かたく⦆ A〈人〉と知り合いになる
e.g. they are anxious to make your acquaintance.

acquaintanceship | əˈkwānt(ə)n(s)ˌSHip | noun

Middle English (in the sense ‘mutual knowledge, being acquainted’): from Old French acointance, from acointier ‘make known’ (see acquaint).