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Write Default

>Write Defaults "on" will write back the default values of all animated properties (on a Controller-wide basis!) that are not animated in that particular state. This can cause some very strange interactions if you don't plan for it.

>VRChat does not use "Write Defaults" in our built-in and example animators. This means that only the actual properties that are in animations get played by any one animation node.
>We recommend that creators also follow this workflow, as it is easier to keep track of what properties will be animated through any specific layer, and it also lines up with the intended use of Unity as a whole.


VRChatの表情のWrite DefaultをONにしたい時にOFFが一つでも混じっていると、その表情をした時にパラメーターが残って 左右のハンドサインに対応する表情パラメーターが混ざって表情が溶ける問題が起きるかもしれない
>このAnimator Controllerの1ファイル内にWrite DefaultsのONとOFFのステートが混在していると、実質的にWrite Defaultsにチェックを入れているステートでもOFFとなり正常にアニメーションが動作しなくなることがあります。