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『Linux and the Unix Philosophy』

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Chapter overviews
Introduction to The Unix Philosophy

1 The Unix Philosophy: A Cast of Thousands
1.1 The Not invented here syndrome
1.2 Developing Unix
1.3 Linux: A cast of one plus one million
1.4 The Unix philosophy in a nutshell

2 One Small Step for Humankind
2.1 Tenet 1: Small is beautiful
2.2 Software engineering made easy
2.3 Looking at a bug
2.4 Tenet 2: Make each program do one thing well

3 Rapid Prototyping for Fun and Profit
3.1 Knowledge and the learning curve
3.2 Tenet 3: Build a prototype as soon as possible
3.3 The Three Systems of Man
3.4 The First System of man
3.5 The Second System of man
3.6 The Third System of man
3.7 Linux is both a Third System and a Second System
3.8 Building the Third System

4 The Portability Priority
4.1 Tenet 4: Choose portability over efficiency
4.2 Tenet 5: Store data in flat text files

5 Now That’s Leverage!
5.1 Tenet 6: Use software leverage to your advantage
5.2 Tenet 7: Use shell scripts to increase leverage and portability

6 The Perils of Interactive Programs
6.1 Tenet 8: Avoid captive user interfaces
6.2 Tenet 9: Make every program a filter
6.3 The Linux environment: Using programs as filters

7 More Unix Philosophy: Ten Lesser Tenets
7.1 Allow the user to tailor the environment
7.2 Make operating system kernels small and lightweight
7.3 Use lowercase and keep it short
7.4 Save trees
7.5 Silence is golden
7.6 Think parallel
7.7 The sum of the parts is greater than the whole
7.8 Look for the 90-percent solution
7.9 Worse is bette
7.10 Think hierarchically

8 Making Unix Do One Thing Well
8.1The Unix philosophy: Putting it all together

9 Unix and Other Operating System Philosophies
9.1The Atari Home Computer: Human engineering as art
9.2 MS-DOS: Over seventy million users can’t be wrong
9.3 VMS: The antithesis of UNIX?

10 Through the Glass Darkly:Linux vs. Windows
10.1 It’s the content, stupid!

11 A Cathedral? How Bizarre!

12 Brave New (Unix) World
The Apache Jakarta Project
The Internet
Wireless Communications
Web Services
Artificial Intelligence

About the Author