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『Philosophy of Science』読書会
Philosophy of Science』(第4版)という科学哲学の書籍を月イチで読んで感想を語る #自主ゼミ
1. The Relationship Between Philosophy and Science
2. Why is Philosophy of Science Important?
3. Scientific Explanation
4. Why Do Laws Explain?
5. Causation, Inexact Laws and Statistical Probabilities
6. Laws and Explanations in Biology and the "Special Sciences"
7. The Structure of Scientific Theories
8. Epistemic and Metaphysical Issues about Scientific Theories
9. Theory Construction vs. Model Building
10. Induction and Probability
11. Confirmation, Falsification, Underdetermination
12. Challenges from the History of Science
13. Naturalism in the Philosophy of Science
14. The Contested Character of Science
15. Science, Relativism and Objectivity

第1章: 議論
