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@nestjs/typeorm - Nest.js向けのモジュール
typeorm-seeding - 🌱 A delightful way to seed test data into your database.
typeorm-cursor-pagination - Cursor-based pagination works with TypeORM Query Builder.
nestjs-typeorm-paginate - 📃 Pagination response object function + types for typeorm + nestjs
typeorm-extension - This library provides utitlites to create & drop the database, seed the database and apply URL query parameter(s).
typeorm-polymorphic - Typeorm polymorphic relationship management
typeorm-transactional - It's a fork of typeorm-transactional-cls-hooked for new versions of TypeORM.
typeorm-transactional-cls-hooked - A Transactional Method Decorator for typeorm that uses cls-hooked to handle and propagate transactions between different repositories and service methods.
safe-typeorm - TypeORM helper library enhancing safety in the compilation level. Note that, safe-typeorm supports only typeorm v0.2 yet.
typeorm-uml - (Archived) Generate Entity Relationship diagrams for Typeorm powered projects.
typeorm-linq-repository - Wraps TypeORM repository pattern and QueryBuilder using fluent, LINQ-style queries.
@nest-toolbox/typeorm-upsert - upsert function for typeorm
@nest-toolbox/typeorm-paginate - iterate over a table
typeorm-typedi-extensions - Dependency injection and service container integration with TypeORM using TypeDI library.
typeorm-naming-strategies - Custom naming strategies for typeorm
pg-mem - An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests

