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Standard Suite Common classes and commands for all applications. open v : Open a document. open file or list of file : The file(s) to be opened. → document or list of document : The opened document(s). save options enum yes : Save the file. no : Do not save the file. ask : Ask the user whether or not to save the file. close v : Close a document. close specifier : the document(s) or window(s) to close. [saving yes/‌no/‌ask] : Should changes be saved before closing? [saving in file] : The file in which to save the document, if so. save v : Save a document. save specifier : The document(s) or window(s) to save. [in file] : The file in which to save the document. [as Bike Format/‌OPML Format/‌Plain Text Format] : The file format to use. printing error handling enum standard : Standard PostScript error handling detailed : print a detailed report of PostScript errors print settings n properties copies (integer) : the number of copies of a document to be printed collating (boolean) : Should printed copies be collated? starting page (integer) : the first page of the document to be printed ending page (integer) : the last page of the document to be printed pages across (integer) : number of logical pages laid across a physical page pages down (integer) : number of logical pages laid out down a physical page requested print time (date) : the time at which the desktop printer should print the document error handling (standard/‌detailed) : how errors are handled fax number (text) : for fax number target printer (text) : for target printer print v : Print a document. print list of file or specifier : The file(s), document(s), or window(s) to be printed. [with properties print settings] : The print settings to use. [print dialog boolean] : Should the application show the print dialog? quit v : Quit the application. quit [saving yes/‌no/‌ask] : Should changes be saved before quitting? count v : Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object. count specifier : The objects to be counted. → integer : The count. delete v : Delete an object. delete specifier : The object(s) to delete. duplicate v : Copy an object. duplicate specifier : The object(s) to copy. [to location specifier] : The location for the new copy or copies. [with properties record] : Properties to set in the new copy or copies right away. exists v : Verify that an object exists. exists any : The object(s) to check. → boolean : Did the object(s) exist? make v : Create a new object. make new type : The class of the new object. [at location specifier] : The location at which to insert the object. [with data any] : The initial contents of the object. [with properties record] : The initial values for properties of the object. → specifier : The new object. move v : Move an object to a new location. move specifier : The object(s) to move. to location specifier : The new location for the object(s). application n [see also Bike Suite] : The application's top-level scripting object. elements contains documents, windows. properties name (text, r/o) : The name of the application. frontmost (boolean, r/o) : Is this the active application? version (text, r/o) : The version number of the application. responds to open, print, quit. document n [see also Bike Suite] : A document. elements contained by application. properties name (text, r/o) : Its name. modified (boolean, r/o) : Has it been modified since the last save? file (file, r/o) : Its location on disk, if it has one. responds to close, print, save. window n : A window. elements contained by application. properties name (text, r/o) : The title of the window. id (integer, r/o) : The unique identifier of the window. index (integer) : The index of the window, ordered front to back. bounds (rectangle) : The bounding rectangle of the window. closeable (boolean, r/o) : Does the window have a close button? miniaturizable (boolean, r/o) : Does the window have a minimize button? miniaturized (boolean) : Is the window minimized right now? resizable (boolean, r/o) : Can the window be resized? visible (boolean) : Is the window visible right now? zoomable (boolean, r/o) : Does the window have a zoom button? zoomed (boolean) : Is the window zoomed right now? document (document, r/o) : The document whose contents are displayed in the window. responds to close, print, save. Bike Suite saveable file format enum Bike Format : Bike file format OPML Format : OPML file format Plain Text Format : Plain text file format row n : A row in your outline. elements contains rows, child rows; contained by rows, documents. properties id (text, r/o) : The unique and persistent identifier of this row. link (text, r/o) : URL link to this row combining document id with item id. level (integer, r/o) : The indentation level of this row in the outline. name (text) : Plain text content of this row. (not unique) container (row or document, r/o) : Container of this row. parent row (row, r/o) : Parent of this row, will be `missing value` for root row. responds to move, duplicate, delete. child row n [inh. row] : Same as row, only needed so that AppleScript can distinguish between the `rows` and `child rows` collections. elements contained by documents. document n [see also Standard Suite] elements contains rows, child rows. properties id (text, r/o) : The unique and persistent identifier of this document. root row (row, r/o) : Root row of this document, never visible in outline editor. hoisted row (row) : Hoisted row in this window. focused row (row) : Focused row in this window. selected text (text, r/o) : Selected text in document. selection row (row, r/o) : Row intersecting the selection head. selection rows (list of row, r/o) : Rows intersecting the selectioin. responds to move, duplicate, delete, collapse, expand, select, import, export. application n [see also Standard Suite] properties font size (number) : Bike font size preference. background color (color) : Bike background color preference. foreground color (color) : Bike foreground color preference. collapse v : Collapse rows. collapse document at list of row : The rows to collapse. [completely boolean] expand v : Expand rows. expand document at list of row : The rows to collapse. [completely boolean] select v : Set selection. select document at row : The row to select. import v : Import rows into your document. import document from text : The text to import. [as Bike Format/‌OPML Format/‌Plain Text Format] : The text's format, defaults to Plain Text Format. [to location specifier] : The location to insert the new row(s). → list of row : The imported row(s). export v : Export rows from your document. export document [from list of row] : The row(s) to export. [as Bike Format/‌OPML Format/‌Plain Text Format] : The file format to export, defaults to Plain Text Format. [completely boolean] : Export all contained rows. Defaults to true. → text : The formatted text of the exported rows.


tell application "Bike" set a to selection rows of document 1 set b to document 1 collapse b at a end tell