> Linklogs existed as a feature of computing systems before the internet as well. In distributed file systems a link log was a method of recording data in which a record is created and added to the proper log when updating a transaction. The format of a log record closely matches the specification of the transaction type it corresponds to. Link log records consisted of two parts in such a system: a set of type-independent fields, and a set of type-specific fields. The former set consists of pointers to the preceding and succeeding records of the log.
> On my web travels the other day, I came across a new (to me) kind of weblog, the tumblelog. Here are a few examples to get the gist of what a tumblelog is: hit projectionist first and then Anarchaia (which seems to have been the first one), Church Burning tumblelog, Mikael’s Tumblelog, and ones zeros majors and minors.
> A tumblelog is a quick and dirty stream of consciousness, a bit like a remaindered links style linklog but with more than just links. They remind me of an older style of blogging, back when people did sites by hand, before Movable Type made post titles all but mandatory, blog entries turned into short magazine articles, and posts belonged to a conversation distributed throughout the entire blogosphere.