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Muscular Endurance Training
Muscular Endurance Training
via House, Steve. Training for the Uphill Athlete . Patagonia. Kindle 版.

A good warm-up is essential for this workout. You need to be sweating before you start the workout. Here is a warm-up we find effective: Do 200 total reps of your choice four or five different core exercises without stopping. Pick some that you like or find challenging. Try to do a minimum of 20 reps of each exercise before moving, with no rest, to the next exercise. Then rev up your aerobic system. Fifteen minutes should do it.
How you do this is not so important: bike, run, stairs, rowing, or a mix. Importantly, finish with two to three minutes of moderately hard effort (Z3).
​6×10 reps each leg of box step. Rest one minute between sets. Ten reps with one leg before switching. ​
6×10 reps each leg front lunge. Rest one minute between sets. Ten reps with one leg before switching. ​
6×10 reps each leg split jump squat. Rest one minute between sets. Alternate front legs each jump. ​
6×10 reps squat jump. Rest one minute between sets. Complete all six sets of each exercise, taking one minute of rest between sets.
Take no more than two minutes’ rest between exercises. The tempo of the exercise should be about one repetition per second.

Running 15 minutes with gradually increasing intensity so that the last two to three minutes are in Zones 3–4.
Workout Progression
As with the gym-based version of ME workout, be prepared to get sore and have tired legs for a couple of days. You should feel the hills on your normal aerobic workouts getting easier within only two to three workouts of this type.
Using the traditional Z3 uphill method:
Start this workout progression by running or hiking (which you choose depends on the steepness and your muscular endurance) up the hill for eight to ten minutes with that low-level leg burn. Repeat two times, taking a five-minute moving recovery between reps. If you need to walk back down between reps because you do not have a long enough hill, that’s fine. This can build to a full 40 minutes of steady uphill grinding.
Using a weighted pack for the above method:
This can be particularly effective for ski mountaineers who will normally be carrying a heavy pack and moving more slowly upward. It can also be used by those who do not have access to steep hills. Don’t discount the usefulness of the fire stairs in tall buildings for this type of workout.
If you use the bounding variation:
Start with 10×10 sec of bounding up a steep trail. Between the bounding parts, walk back down until your legs are recovered and then repeat. There is no one prescription. For the aerobically fit who recover fast, this workout might look like 15×15 sec bounding with about one minute of running or walking down recovery (depending on steepness) between repetitions. This workout could progress to 20×20 sec of bounding with two minutes of recovery running. For the less fit, start with something in the range of 10×10 with two minutes of active recovery.
As with the gym-based muscular endurance training, if you do not see performance improvements from week to week, you are probably doing too much and not allowing enough recovery.

> You can modulate the intensity of this workout and the resultant fatigue and soreness in the following ways;
> 1) The height of your jumps and the extent of the range of motion in the more ballistic movements should moderated if you have never done this type of training before or have gotten very sore and stiff from it in the past. Do this at about 80% range of motion 80% effort the first couple of times to see how your body responds.
1) ジャンプの高さとより弾道的な動きの可動域の範囲は、この種のトレーニングを以前に行ったことがない場合、または過去に非常に痛くてこわばったことがある場合は、緩和する必要があります. これを約 80% の可動域で行い、最初の 2 ~ 3 回は 80% の努力をして、体がどのように反応するかを確認します。
> 2) The number of sets will also affect fatigue and soreness. The progression below starts with 4 sets rather than the 6 sets suggested in the PDF download. This way you can decide which is more appropriate for you.
2) セット数も疲労や痛みに影響します。 以下の進行は、PDF ダウンロードで提案されている 6 セットではなく、4 セットから始まります。 このようにして、どちらがより適切かを判断できます。
> You have been warned. These initial ME workouts has a way of feeling very easy when you are doing them but coming back to bite you for the next few days. Go easier than you think you need to.
あなたは警告されました。 これらの最初の ME ワークアウトは、実行しているときは非常に簡単に感じる方法がありますが、次の数日間は苦しめられます。 必要だと思うよりも簡単に行ってください。
What we outline here is the beginning workout.
> Unless you have extensive experience with these exercises, use body weight (BW) only for the first two to three workouts to learn the movements and avoid severe muscle soreness.
これらのエクササイズの経験が豊富でない限り、最初の 2 ~ 3 回のワークアウトでは体重 (BW) のみを使用して動きを学び、重度の筋肉痛を避けてください。
> The progression shown is a suggestion that should work well for most people. However, variations in individual starting strength will mean that some people will progress faster than others.
示されている進行状況は、ほとんどの人にとってうまくいくはずの提案です。 ただし、個々の開始時の強さの違いは、一部の人が他の人よりも速く進歩することを意味します。
> Expect to be mildly stiff and sore for two days after each workout, so allow for two to three days of easy recovery workouts.
各ワークアウト後 2 日間は軽度のこわばりと痛みが予想されるため、2 ~ 3 日間は簡単に回復できるワークアウトを行ってください。
> Most people will not need to do this routine more than once per week to see significant gains. Because it is easy to overdo ME work, start slowly and progress at your own rate.
ほとんどの人は、このルーチンを週に 1 回以上行う必要はなく、大幅な効果が得られます。 ME の作業はやりすぎやすいので、ゆっくりと始めて、自分のペースで進めてください。