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If Einstein Were Your Coach
If Einstein Were Your Coach

> 時間については "If Einstein Were Your Coach" という章がある。時間が伸び縮みする(!)ことから、時間を量ではなくて質として捉えなおしている

October 14, 2018
> (This same title appeared a number of years ago in books and articles addressing our perception of time and its effect on exercise.)
Figure 1. Traditional vs. objective training progress. Estimations in time, distance and HR for Runner T and Runner O. (Pace: minutes/mile; HR: average beats/minute. Both athletes warm up and cool down at slower paces.)
Figure 2. Traditional versus objective exercise approaches.
HR(ハートレート) を、以前は RPE (主観的運動強度)でやってたけど今は Zone (5 Zone Intensity)でやってる
Figure 3. Estimated time, distance and HR for Runner T and Runner O. (Pace: minutes/mile; HR: average beats/minute; distance: miles. Both athletes warm up and cool down at slower paces.)