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Expressly Human
from 2022/08
Expressly Human
Expressly Human: Decoding the Language of Emotion
> Expressly Human: Decoding the Language of Emotion
明らかに人間的: 感情の言語を解読する
> Good communication, conventional wisdom suggests, is calm, logical, rational. Emotions, we’re told, just get in the way.
> But what if this is backwards? What if those emotional overtones are the main messages we’re sending to one another, and all that logical language is just window dressing?
> Over billions of years of evolution, animals have become increasingly sophisticated and increasingly sentient. In the process, they evolved emotions, which helped improve their odds of survival in complex situations.
> These emotions were, at first, purely internal. But at some point, social animals began expressing their emotions, in increasingly dramatic ways. These emotional expressions could accurately reflect internal emotions (smiling to express happiness)—or they could be quite different (smiling to cover up that you’re actually furious, but can’t tell your boss that).
これらの感情は、最初は純粋に内的なものでした。しかし、ある時点で、社会的な動物は、ますます劇的な方法で感情を表現し始めました.これらの感情表現は、内面の感情を正確に反映している可能性があります (幸せを表現するために微笑む)、またはまったく異なる可能性があります (あなたが実際に激怒していることを隠すために微笑むが、上司にはそれを伝えることはできません)。
> Why did once-stone-faced animals evolve to be so emotionally expressive—to be us?
> The answer, as evolutionary neurobiologist Mark Changizi and mathematician Tim Barber reveal, is that emotional expressions are our first and most important language—one that allows us, as social animals, to engage in highly sophisticated communications and negotiations.
> Expressly Human introduces an original theory that explains, from first principles, how the broad range of emotional expressions evolved, and provides a Rosetta Stone for human communication. It will revolutionize the way you see every social interaction, from deciding who gets the last slice of pizza to multimillion-dollar business negotiations, and change your definition of what makes us human.
『Expressly Human』は、さまざまな感情表現がどのように進化したかを第一原理から説明する独自の理論を導入し、人間のコミュニケーションにロゼッタ ストーンを提供します。誰がピザの最後のスライスを手に入れるかを決めることから、数百万ドルのビジネス交渉まで、あらゆる社会的相互作用を見る方法に革命をもたらし、私たちを人間たらしめるものの定義を変えます.