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Frankpledge, American frontier-vigilantism emerged as a "mutation" of the Saxon tradition of frankpledge
Feud, a now-illegal form of non-governmental interpersonal violence practiced by feudal groups and currently by organized crime gangs
Mobbing, the coming together of people for the purpose of bullying an individual
Posse comitatus, indirect descendant of the Northern Germanic hird or fyrd system, the "citizen enforcer" band either capable of acting lawfully as exceptional agent of justice; or deteriorating into lawlessness of populist malice
Real-life superhero, groups of vigilantes who wear comic book style costumes
Scam baiting, a form of vigilantism against scams
Vigilance committee, organized vigilantes in the 1800s United States
Vigilante film, films based on revenge theme

wikipedia vigilantism
kotobank vigilantism