generated at
situational awareness
alert state – indication of the state of readiness of the armed forces for military action or a state against natural disasters, terrorism or military attack
aviation safety – State in which risks associated with aviation are at an acceptable level
brownout (aeronautics) – In-flight visual impairment by pilots
diving safety – Risk management of underwater diving activities
information integration – Cohesive synthesis of information
Korean Air Lines Flight 007 – 1983 flight shot down by the Soviet Union
self-awareness – Capacity for introspection and individuation as a subject
situated cognition – theory that posits that knowing is inseparable from doing by arguing that all knowledge is situated in activity bound to social, cultural and physical contexts
Situation room – Operations center in the White House
spatial awareness – Elevation Awareness Deficiency Condition
spatial disorientation – Inability of a person to correctly determine their body position in space