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reference work

Types of reference work
These are the main types and categories of reference work:
Abstracting journal – a published summary of articles, theses, reviews, conference proceedings etc. arranged systematically
Almanac – an annual publication listing a set of current, general or specific, information about one or multiple subjects
Annals – concise historical record in which events are arranged chronologically
Atlas – a collection of maps traditionally been bound into book form
bibliography – a systematic list of books and other works such as journal articles on a given subject or which satisfy particular criteria
biographical dictionary – an encyclopedic dictionary limited to biographical information
Books of Quotations – collections of quotations satisfying particular criteria ,arranged systematically
Chronicle/Chronology – a historical account of events arranged in chronological order
Compendium – a concise collection of information pertaining to a body of knowledge
Concordance – an alphabetical list of the principal words used in a book or body of work
Dictionary – a list of words from one or more languages, systematically arranged and giving meanings etymologies etc.
Digest – a summary of information on a particular subject
Directory – a systematically arranged list of names, addresses, products, etc.
Encyclopaedia – a compendium providing summaries of knowledge either from all branches or from a particular field or discipline
Gazetteer – a geographical dictionary or directory used to provide systematic access to a map or atlas
Glossary – an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms
Handbook – a small or portable book intended to provide ready reference
Index – a publication giving systematic access to a body of knowledge
lexicon – a synonym for a dictionary or encyclopaedic dictionary
List – a published enumeration of a set of items
Manual – a handbook providing instructions in the use of a particular product
Phrase book – a collection of ready-made phrases, arranged systematically, usually for a foreign language together with a translation
Ready reckoner – a printed book or table containing pre-calculated values
Thematic catalogue – an index used to identify musical compositions through the citation of the opening notes
Thesaurus – a reference work for finding synonyms and sometimes antonyms of words
Timetable – a published list of schedules giving times for transportation or other events
Yearbook – a compendium containing events relating to a specific year

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