low culture
Bogan – Unrefined or unsophisticated person (Australian and New Zealand slang) (Australia and New Zealand)
List of books considered the worst
Chav – Stereotype of anti-social youth dressed in sportswear (UK)
Cinema – Industry comprising the technological and commercial institutions of filmmaking
List of films considered the worst
Culture industry – Expression suggesting that popular culture is used to manipulate mass society into passivity
Flaite – Chilean urban lower-class youth (Chile)
Gopnik – Russian and Eastern European term for delinquent (Russia)
Kitsch – Art or other objects that appeal to popular rather than high art tastes
Lowbrow (art movement) – Underground visual art movement
Outsider art – Art created outside the boundaries of official culture by those untrained in the arts
List of music considered the worst
Tribal art, also known as Primitive art – Art made by the indigenous tribes
redneck – Derogatory term applied to white person from the rural South of the United States (United States)
List of television shows considered the worst
Toilet humour – Type of off-colour humour dealing with defecation, urination and flatulence