law of excluded middle
Brouwer–Hilbert controversy – foundational controversy in twentieth-century mathematics: an account on the formalist-intuitionist divide around the Law of the excluded middle
Dichotomy – Splitting of a whole into exactly two non-overlapping parts; dyadic relations and processes
Law of excluded middle is untrue in
many-valued logic – Propositional calculus in which there are more than two truth valuess such as ternary logic – System including an indeterminate value and fuzzy logic – System for reasoning about vagueness
Peirce's law – Axiom used in logic and philosophy: another way of turning intuition classical
Logical determinism – view that a proposition about the future is either necessarily true, or its negation is necessarily true: the application excluded middle to modal – Type of formal logic propositions
Non-affirming negation in the Prasangika – Doctrinal distinction within Tibetan Buddhism school of Buddhism, another system in which the law of excluded middle is untrue