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Banach fixed point theorem – Theorem about metric spaces
Bifurcation theory – Study of sudden qualitative behavior changes caused by small parameter changes
Box counting – Fractal analysis technique
Cymatics – Creation of visible patterns on a vibrated plate
Determinism – Philosophical view that events are determined by prior events
Diamond-square algorithm – Method for generating heightmaps for computer graphics
Droste effect – Recursive visual effect
Feigenbaum function – Concept in dynamical systems
Form constant – Recurringly observed geometric pattern
Fractal cosmology – Absolute Infinite Everything
Fractal derivative – Generalization of derivative to fractals
Fractalgrid – Concept in electric power distribution
Fractal sequence – Sequence that contains itself as a subsequence
Fractal string – Open subset of the real–number line
Fracton – Synonym of phonon
Graftal – Rewriting system and type of formal grammar
Greeble – Fine relief detailing added to a surface to make it appear more complex
H tree – Right-angled fractal canopy
Infinite regress – Philosophical problem
Lacunarity – Term in geometry and fractal analysis
List of fractals by Hausdorff dimension
Mandelbulb – Three-dimensional fractal
Mandelbox – Fractal with a boxlike shape
Macrocosm and microcosm – Analogy between man and cosmos
Matryoshka doll – Russian nested wooden toy created in 1890
Menger Sponge – Three-dimensional fractal
Multifractal system – System with multiple fractal dimensions
Newton fractal – Boundary set in the complex plane
Percolation – Filtration of fluids through porous materials
Power law – Functional relationship between two quantities
Random walk – Process forming a path from many random steps
Self-reference – Sentence, idea or formula that refers to itself
Self-similarity – Whole of an object being mathematically similar to part of itself
Systems theory – Interdisciplinary study of systems
Strange loop – Cyclic structure that goes through several levels in a hierarchical system
Turbulence – Motion characterized by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity
Wiener process – Stochastic process generalizing Brownian motion