Ableism – Discrimination against disabled people
Culling – Process of segregating organisms in biology
Dor Yeshorim – Nonprofit organization that offers genetic screening to members of the Jewish community worldwide
Dysgenics – Decrease in genetic traits deemed desirable
Eugenic feminism – Areas of the women's suffrage movement which overlapped with eugenics
Eugenics in Mexico – Review of the topic
Eugenics in the United States
Euthenics – Study of improving living conditions to increase well-being
Human enhancement – Natural, artificial, or technological alteration of the human body
In vitro embryo selection – Assisted reproductive technology procedure (preimplantation genetic diagnosis – Genetic profiling of embryos prior to implantation)
New eugenics – Advocates the use of reproductive and genetic technologies to enhance human characteristics
Nazi eugenics – Nazi German policy of the murder of "undesirable" persons from the German people
Sterilization – Government policies which force people to undergo surgical sterilization