generated at
Abstraction – Process of generalisation
Abiogenesis – Natural process by which life arises from non-living matter
Agent-based model – Type of computational models
Anthropic principle – Philosophical principle about the occurrence of sapient life in the Universe
Big History – Academic discipline which examines history from the Big Bang to the present
Connectionism – Cognitive science approach
Consilience – Principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can "converge" on strong conclusions
Dynamical system – Mathematical model of the time dependence of a point in space
Deus ex machina – Contrived device to resolve the plot of a dramatic work
dual-phase evolution – Process that drives self-organization within complex adaptive systems
Emergenesis – The result of a specific combination of several interacting genes
Emergent evolution – Evolutionary biology
Emergent gameplay – Aspect of gameplay
Emergentism – Philosophical belief in emergence
Epiphenomenon – Secondary phenomenon that occurs alongside or in parallel to a primary phenomenon
Externality – In economics, an imposed cost or benefit
Free will – Ability to make choices without constraints
Generative science – Study of how complex behaviour can be generated by deterministic and finite rules and parameters
Innovation butterfly – Butterfly effect in business
Irreducible complexity – Argument by proponents of intelligent design
Langton's ant – Two-dimensional Turing machine with emergent behavior
Libertarianism (metaphysics) – Term in metaphysics
Mass action (sociology)
Neural network – Structure in biology and artificial intelligence
Organic Wholes of G.E. Moore – English philosopher, 1873–1958
Structuralism – Theory that elements of culture must be in terms of their relationship to a broader system
Swarm intelligence – Collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems
Teleology – Things in terms of their apparent purpose, directive principle, or goal
Spontaneous order – Spontaneous emergence of order out of seeming chaos
Synergetics (Fuller)
Synergetics (Haken)

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