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dog whistle
Aesopian language – Code for insiders of a group
Classical conditioning – Aspect of learning procedure ('Pavlovian response')
Doublespeak – Language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words
Euphemism – Innocuous word or expression used in place of one that may be found offensive
Framing (social sciences) – Effect of how information is presented on perception
Hey, Rube! – Slang phrase used by 19th century circus carnies as a cry for help in a fight with outsiders
Knee-jerk – Monosynaptic reflex
Loaded language – Rhetoric used to influence an audience
Plausible deniability – Ability to deny responsibility
poisoning the well – Type of logical fallacy
Political correctness – Measures to avoid offense or disadvantage
Queerbaiting – In media, hinting at but not depicting queer relationships
incitement to ethnic or racial hatred – Criminal offence in several countries
shibboleth – Custom or tradition that distinguishes one group from another
Southern strategy – 20th century Republican electoral strategy for the Southern US
Subliminal stimuli – Sensory stimuli below an individual's threshold for conscious perception
Wedge issue – Divisive political or social issue

wikipedia dog whistle
kotobank dog whistle