generated at
Argument Clinic – Monty Python sketch, a Monty Python sketch in which one of the two disputants repeatedly uses only contradictions in his argument
Auto-antonym – word that has two opposing meanings
Contrary (logic)
Dialetheism — View that there exists statements which are both true and false
Double standard – Inconsistent application of principles
Doublethink – Simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct
Irony – Rhetorical device, literary technique, or situation in which there is an incongruity between the literal and the implied meaning
On Contradiction – 1937 Maoist essay by Mao Zedong
Oxymoron – rhetorical device that uses an ostensible self-contradiction to illustrate a rhetorical point or to reveal a paradox
Paradox – Statement that apparently contradicts itself
Tautology – Logical formula which is true in every possible interpretation

wikipedia contradiction
kotobank contradiction