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continued fraction

Generalized continued fraction – generalization of continued fractions in which the partial numerators and partial denominators can assume arbitrary complex values
Computing continued fractions of square roots – Algorithms for calculating square roots
Egyptian fraction – Finite sum of distinct unit fractions
Engel expansion – decomposition of a positive real number into a series of unit fractions, each an integer multiple of the next one
Euler's continued fraction formula – Connects a very general infinite series with an infinite continued fraction.
Infinite compositions of analytic functions – Mathematical theory about infinitely iterated function composition
Infinite product – Mathematical concept
iterated binary operation – Repeated application of an operation to a sequence
Klein polyhedron – Concept in the geometry of numbers
Restricted partial quotients – Analytic series
Stern–Brocot tree – Ordered binary tree of rational numbers
Śleszyński–Pringsheim theorem – Criterion for convergence of continued fractions