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conspiracy theory
Propaganda technique used for political purposes
Fallacy of pointing to individual cases that seem to confirm a position while ignoring related cases that may contradict the position
Subgenre of thriller fiction
Hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation
idea or viewpoint which differs from the accepted scholarship in its field
Informal fallacy of emphasis in which outcomes are asserted to have been caused by the hidden misconduct or wrongdoing by decision makers
Philosophical heuristic to never attribute to malice what is explained by stupidity
Philosophical principle of selecting the solution with the fewest assumptions
Branch of philosophy on the nature of conspiracy theories
Form of communication intended to sway the audience through presenting only one side of the argument
Pseudoscholarship that attempts to distort or misrepresent the historical record
Unscientific claims that are wrongly presented as scientific
Belief or behavior that is considered irrational or supernatural