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character encoding
Category:Character encoding – articles related to character encoding in general
Category:Character sets – articles detailing specific character encodings
Mojibake – character set mismap.
Mojikyo – a system ("glyph set") that includes over 100,000 Chinese character drawings, modern and ancient, popular and obscure.
TRON, part of the TRON project, is an encoding system that does not use Han Unification; instead, it uses "control codes" to switch between 16-bit "planes" of characters.
Charset sniffing – used in some applications when character encoding metadata is not available
Common character encodings
ISO 8859-3 Western Europe and South European (Turkish, Maltese plus Esperanto)
ISO 8859-4 Western Europe and Baltic countries (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Lapp)
ISO 8859-14 Celtic languages (Irish Gaelic, Scottish, Welsh)
ISO 8859-16 Central, Eastern and Southern European languages (Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian and Slovenian, but also French, German, Italian and Irish Gaelic)
CP437, CP720, CP737, CP850, CP852, CP855, CP857, CP858, CP860, CP861, CP862, CP863, CP865, CP866, CP869, CP872
MS-Windows character sets:
Windows-1250 for Central European languages that use Latin script, (Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Romanian and Albanian)
Windows-1251 for Cyrillic alphabets
Windows-1252 for Western languages
Windows-1253 for Greek
Windows-1254 for Turkish
Windows-1255 for Hebrew
Windows-1256 for Arabic
Windows-1257 for Baltic languages
Windows-1258 for Vietnamese
JIS X 0208 is a widely deployed standard for Japanese character encoding that has several encoding forms.
Shift_JIS (Microsoft Code page 932 is a dialect of Shift_JIS)
JIS X 0213 is an extended version of JIS X 0208.
GBK (Microsoft Code page 936)
Taiwan Big5 (a more famous variant is Microsoft Code page 950)
KS X 1001 is a Korean double-byte character encoding standard
Unicode (and subsets thereof, such as the 16-bit 'Basic Multilingual Plane')