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anthropogenic hazard
Anthropogeny – Study of human origins
Chemical hazard – Non-biological substance that has the potential to cause harm to life or health
Climate change – Current rise in Earth's average temperature and its effects
Dark tourism – Tourism involving travel to sites associated with death and tragedy
List of industrial disasters
List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll
Hazard – Situation or object that can cause damage or harm
Interplanetary contamination – Biological contamination of a planetary body by a space probe or spacecraft
Mechanical hazard – Hazard with a mechanical energy source
Occupational hazard – Hazard experienced in the workplace
Physical hazard – Hazard due to a physical agent
Planetary protection – Guiding principle of a space mission
Psychosocial hazard – Occupational hazard to one's psychological well-being
Public health – Promoting health through organized efforts and informed choices of society and individuals
survivalism – Movement of individuals or households preparing for emergencies and natural disasters