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Provides guidance, reduces obstacles, and is essential to the success of adoption
an anti-pattern in which someone pushed for the wiki to be used for everything, all the time. An effective wiki champion will avoid this by pushing the wiki the appropriate amount at the appropriate time, and properly pacing adoption.
also known as WikiGardener, a person who keeps the wiki running smoothly by fixing broken links, typos, and improving the overall flow and quality of content.
Champions and WikiGnomes are critical to the success and quality of the wiki.
someone who tries to disrupt the wiki by posting inflammatory comments and distracting people from the talk at hand.
A champion will swiftly deal with the disruptions of a WikiTroll to keep the wiki running smoothly, and try to help the WikiTroll become a more productive community member.
the Wiki Champion often is the same guy as its maintainer.
Whereas a Champion brings a lot of energy to the wiki, a Patron often provides the required authority.