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Turing machine
Bekenstein bound, showing the impossibility of infinite-tape Turing machines of finite size and bounded energy
Chaitin's constant or Omega (computer science) for information relating to the halting problem
Conway's Game of Life, a Turing-complete cellular automaton
Enumerator (in theoretical computer science)
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, a famous book that discusses, among other topics, the Church–Turing thesis
Halting problem, for more references
Langton's ant and Turmites, simple two-dimensional analogues of the Turing machine
List of things named after Alan Turing
Claude Shannon, another leading thinker in information theory
Turing tarpit, any computing system or language that, despite being Turing complete, is generally considered useless for practical computing
Unorganised machine, for Turing's very early ideas on neural networks