hide footbox
Project starts 2021-11-30
[12月上旬] starts 2021-12-01 and ends 2021-12-10
[12月中旬] starts 2021-12-11 and ends 2021-12-20
[12月下旬] starts 2021-12-21 and ends 2021-12-31
-- 行事 --
[冬至] happens 2021-12-22
[クリスマス] starts 2021-12-24 and ends 2021-12-25
[仕事納め] happens 2021-12-28
[大晦日] happens 2021-12-31
hide footbox
Project starts 2021-12-31
[1月上旬] starts 2022-01-01 and ends 2022-01-10
note bottom
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
[1月中旬] starts 2022-01-11 and ends 2022-01-20
[1月下旬] starts 2022-01-21 and ends 2022-01-31
-- 行事 --
[正月] starts 2022-01-01 and ends 2022-01-03
[仕事始め] happens 2022-01-04
[七草] happens 2022-01-07
[成人の日] happens 2022-01-10
caption これはキャプションです