generated at
free energy principle
Affordance – Possibility of an action on an object or environment
Autopoiesis – Systems concept which entails automatic reproduction and maintenance
Bayesian approaches to brain function – Explaining the brain's abilities through statistical principles
Decision theory – Branch of applied probability theory
Embodied cognition – Interdisciplinary theory
Entropic force – Physical force that originates from thermodynamics instead of fundamental interactions
Free energy (disambiguation)
Optimal control – Mathematical way of attaining a desired output from a dynamic system
Adaptive system, also known as Practopoiesis – set of interacting or interdependent entities forming an integrated whole that are able to respond to environmental changes, analogous to physiological homeostasis or evolutionary adaptation in biology
Predictive coding – Theory of brain function
Self-organization – Process of creating order by local interactions
Surprisal – Basic quantity derived from the probability of a particular event occurring from a random variable
Synergetics (Haken) – A school of thought on thermodynamics and systems phenomena developed by Hermann Haken
Variational Bayesian methods – Mathematical methods used in Bayesian inference and machine learning