generated at
faulty generalization
Accident (fallacy) – Informal fallacy
association fallacy – Informal inductive fallacy
Blind men and an elephant – Parable from the ancient Indian subcontinent, whence it has been widely diffused
Cherry picking (fallacy)
Cognitive distortion – Exaggerated or irrational thought pattern
Confirmation bias – Tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or values
Converse accident – Informal fallacy
Generalization error – Measure of algorithm accuracy
hypercorrection – Non-standard language usage from the over-application of a perceived prescriptive rule
Package-deal fallacy – Logical fallacy
Pooh-pooh – Fallacy in informal logic
Problem of induction – Question of whether inductive reasoning leads to definitive knowledge
Statistical significance – Concept in inferential statistics
Stereotype – Generalized belief about a particular category of people
Straw man – Type of informal fallacy
Syllogism – Type of logical argument that applies deductive reasoning