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Antanaclasis: a related purposeful rhetorical device
Circumlocution: phrasing to explain something without saying it
Etymological fallacy: a kind of linguistic misconception
Evasion (ethics): tell the truth while deceiving
Fallacy of four terms: an ill form of syllogism
False equivalence: fallacy based on flawed reasoning
if-by-whiskey: an example
Mental reservation: a doctrine in moral theology
Persuasive definition: skewed definition of term
Plausible deniability: a blame shifting technique
Polysemy: the property of word or phrase having certain type of multiple meanings
Principle of explosion: one of the fundamental laws in logic
Syntactic ambiguity, Amphiboly, Amphibology: ambiguity of a sentence by its grammatical structure

wikipedia equivocation
kotobank equivocation