generated at
cultural hegemony
behavioral contagion – Spontaneous, unsolicited and uncritical imitation of another's behavior
Collective action problem – Type of social dilemma
Cultural capital – Concept of social status and social mobility
Cultural conflict – Clash of beliefs or values
Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts (1990), by James C. Scott
Focal point (game theory) – Concept in game theory
Hegemonic masculinity – Concept in gender studies
Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (1985), by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe
herd behavior – Behavior of individuals acting in a group
"Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses" (1970), by Louis Althusser
Marxist cultural analysis – Anti-capitalist cultural critique
Marx's theory of alienation – Social theory claiming that capitalism alienates workers from their humanity
Nicos Poulantzas – Marxist political sociologist and philosopher
Posthegemony – Situation in which hegemony is no longer said to function as the organizing principle of a social order
Social capital – Networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society
Soft power – Concept developed by Joseph Nye
Southern strategy – 20th century Republican electoral strategy for the Southern US
subaltern (postcolonialism) – Concept from critical theory and post-colonial studies