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3. State programming

Today's topic
“State machine” and programming

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What is a State?
Values representing current status

State machine
A machine whose state changes according to various events
Logic circuit, program, switch, etc.
Also called as “automaton”

State pattern
One of the patterns defined in “pattern languages
Handling state transition in a class

State transition examples
Light switch
Ages, grades, positions

state = Piece position and property

State-aware programming
Complicated user interface
Communication protocols
Pattern matching
"Escape sequence" programming
Handling comments in programs
Roma-Kana conversion

Roma-Kana conversion

Escape sequence
Control display with special character sequences
Used on VT100 and compatible systems

Erase the whole screen
main(){ printf("\x1b[2J"); printf("\x1b[0;0f"); }

Generate escape sequences using 'curses' library

Human state transition

State transition of a light toggle switch

State transition with hysteresis

TCP/IP state machine

State transition of a puzzle

State transition of detecting C comments
Delete /* ... */

State transition of Japnese text input

Demo: Slime text input

All computers are state machines
State change by clock signals
Programming = state transition
CPU = complicated state transition machine

Combinational logic circuit
No state information
PLA (Programmable Logic Array)

Sequential circuit
State changes based on a clock signal
Current state is used in following calculation

Non-Deterministic Finite-state Automaton
Can move to multiple state
Easily implemented
Regular expressions can be easily converted to NDFA

Converting NDFA to DFA
Any NDFA can be converted to DFA
Number of states increases

Example of conversion


Generated DFA

Generated DFA

Original NDFA

egrep command on Unix
Generate an NFA from a regular rexpression
Convert an NFA to DFA
Create a state transition table for DFA

Demo: egrep

Programming a DFA
Treat the execution context as the state
Use state variables
Use state transition tables

How do you program a state transition like this?


Detecting comment areas in C
/* ... */

Using the execution context as the state
Program execution point represents the state

#include <stdio.h> main() {   int c;  while(1){   c = get_c();   while(c == '/'){    c = get_c();    if(c == '*'){     printf("/*");     int done = 0;     while(! done){      c = get_c();      printf("%c",c);      while(c == '*'){       c = get_c();       printf("%c",c);       if(c == '/'){        done = 1;        c = get_c();        break; } } } } } } }

Using the execution position
OK if state transition is straightforward
Not good for complicted state transition
Difficult to understand even simpletransitions

Using state variables
States can be represented by the values of state variables
Use if/switch for checking states
Good for simple state transitions
Simple flags are state variables
Difficult to use many state variables consistently
Impossible to check all combinations

typedef enum { S1, S2, C1, C2 } State; State state = S1; trans(int c) {  switch(state){  case S1:   if(c == '/') state = S2;   break;  case S2:   if(c == '/') state = S2;   else if(c == '*'){    printf("/*");    state = C1;   }   else state = S1;   break;  case C1:   printf("%c",c);   if(c == '*') state = C2;   break;  case C2:   printf("%c",c);   if(c == '*') state = C2;   else if(c == '/') state = S1;   else state = C1;   break;  } } main() {  char buf[1000];  char *s;  while(fgets(buf,1000,stdin)){   for(s=buf;*s;s++){    trans(*s); } } }  

State transition programming with a state transition table
States are represented as an integer value
Use a state transition table
By hand
Using a tool

State transition table

enum { S1, S2, C1, C2 }; int trans[4][0x100]; int state = S1; void init() {  int i;  for(i=0;i<0x100;i++){   trans[S1][i] = S1;   trans[S2][i] = S1;   trans[C1][i] = C1;   trans[C2][i] = C1; }   trans[S1]['/'] = S2;  trans[S2]['/'] = S2;  trans[S2]['*'] = C1;  trans[C1]['*'] = C2;  trans[C2]['*'] = C2;  trans[C2]['/'] = S1;  state = S1; } main() {  unsigned char buf[1000];  unsigned char *s;  init();  while(fgets(buf,1000,stdin)){   for(s=buf;*s;s++){    int oldstate = state;    state = trans[state][*s];    if(oldstate == S2 && state == C1) printf("/*");    if(oldstate == C1 || oldstate == C2) printf("%c",*s); } } }

State transition table generator
Converting a RegExp to a C program

General-purpose lexical analyzer generator
Created by Eric Schmidt
Former CEO of Google

Lex description example
%option noyywrap %option array %{ int line=1; %} %state COMMENT COMIN \/\* COMOUT \*\/ %% <INITIAL>^#.*$ {line++;} <INITIAL>\"[^\"]*\" ; <INITIAL>{COMIN} {BEGIN COMMENT;} <COMMENT>. { printf("%s",yytext);} <COMMENT>"\n" {line++;printf("%s",yytext);} <COMMENT>{COMOUT} {BEGIN INITIAL;} <INITIAL>. ; <INITIAL>"\n" {line++;} %% int main(void){ yylex(); printf("%d lines read.\n",line); return(0); }

Example: lex
% lex lexsample.l
% cc -ll lex.yy.c
% ./a.out

Extended state transition diagram
Petri net

Petri net
Tokens, braces, transitions
The token moves when tokens are ready at the input of a transition box

Vending machine example

Hierarchical state transition machine
Multiple states are represented as one state in an upper layer
Can be converted to conventional state machine

A CD player specification in StateChart

A CD player specification in StateChart

State transition of a Japanese text input system

Conversion tools for StateChart
Special tools required

Using StateChart without special tools
Represent a state as a function
Pass arguments to the parent state if they cannot be handled
State is represented as the current function

A CD player implemented in JavaScript
funcftion state_play(c){ switch(c){ case undefined: print("this is state_play"); return; case 'stop_pressed': state = state_stopped; return false; case 'pause_pressed': state = state_paused; return false; default: return state_normal; } } function state_paused(c){ switch(c){ case undefined: print("this is state_paused"); return; case 'stop_pressed': state = state_stopped; return false; case 'play_pressed': state = state_play; return false; default: return state_normal; } } function state_stopped(c){ switch(c){ case undefined: print("this is state_stopped"); return; case 'play_pressed': state = state_play; return false; default: return state_normal; } } function state_normal(c){ switch(c){ case undefined: print("this is state_normal"); state_stopped(); case 'ff_pressed': state = state_forward; return false; default: return false; } } function state_forward(c){ switch(c){ case undefined: print("this is state_forward"); return; case 'ff_released': state = state_play;return false; default: return false; } } function trans(c){ while(newstate = state(c)){ state = newstate; } state(); } state = state_normal; trans('play_pressed'); trans('ff_pressed'); trans('ff_released'); trans('stop_pressed'); trans('ff_pressed'); trans('ff_released');

What method should we use?
Statechart for complicated state transiton
State variable may be okay for simple programs
Try using statecharts
Documents are important

Write a simple state transition program
Use literate programming style with HTML
Extract code from the HTML document