Six-Page Narratives
> We don’t do PowerPoint (or any other slide-oriented) presentations at Amazon. Instead, we write narratively structured six-page memos. We silently read one at the beginning of each meeting in a kind of “study hall.” Not surprisingly, the quality of these memos varies widely. Some have the clarity of angels singing. They are brilliant and thoughtful and set up the meeting for high-quality discussion. Sometimes they come in at the other end of the spectrum.
> In the handstand example, it’s pretty straightforward to recognize high standards. It wouldn’t be difficult to lay out in detail the requirements of a well-executed handstand, and then you’re either doing it or you’re not. The writing example is very different. The difference between a great memo and an average one is much squishier. It would be extremely hard to write down the detailed requirements that make up a great memo. Nevertheless, I find that much of the time, readers react to great memos very similarly. They know it when they see it. The standard is there, and it is real, even if it’s not easily describable.
> Here’s what we’ve figured out. Often, when a memo isn’t great, it’s not the writer’s inability to recognize the high standard, but instead a wrong expectation on scope: they mistakenly believe a high-standards, six-page memo can be written in one or two days or even a few hours, when really it might take a week or more! They’re trying to perfect a handstand in just two weeks, and we’re not coaching them right. The great memos are written and re-written, shared with colleagues who are asked to improve the work, set aside for a couple of days, and then edited again with a fresh mind. They simply can’t be done in a day or two. The key point here is that you can improve results through the simple act of teaching scope – that a great memo probably should take a week or more.
これが私たちが考え出したものです。しばしば、メモが優れていないとき、書き手が高い基準を認識できないということではなく、代わりにスコープに関する間違った期待を持っています。彼らは、高い基準について誤った信念を持っています。6ページのメモは一日か二日あるいは数時間で書くことができる、と。本当は一週間かそれ以上もかかることがあるのに! 彼らはたった二週間で逆立ちを完璧にしようとしています。そして、私たちは彼らを正しく指導していません。優れたメモは、書かれて、また書き直されます。その仕事を改善するように頼まれ、数日取って置かれ、そしてもう一度新鮮な気持ちで編集されるのです。一日二日でできることではありません。ここで重要なのは、あなたがスコープについて教えるという単純な行為を通して結果を改善できることことです。優れたメモは、おそらく一週間かそれ以上必要とするのです。