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EvernoteのHTML of Contentをプレーンテキストに

tell application "Evernote" set {aNote} to selection end tell return my plainContentOfNoteInEvernote(aNote, "^abc") on plainContentOfNoteInEvernote(aNote, pattern as text) --pattern: 正規表現、grepでマッチした行を返す(使わない場合はpatternを""に、空行のみを除く場合はpatternを"."に) try return do shell script "osascript -e 'tell application \"Evernote\" to return HTML content of note id \"" & id of aNote & "\" of notebook 1' | textutil -convert txt -stdin -inputencoding UTF-8 -stdout -format html -noload | grep " & quoted form of pattern on error number 1 return "" end try end plainContentOfNoteInEvernote