>A: Qualia-san feels "I" is ambiguous. "Qualia-san" is explicit and nice.
>However, most of Homo sapiens are not identify this difference. Twitter's character length limit is tight. So Qualia-san sometimes use "I".
>@Qualia_san: Q: What are the advantages of humans as pets? Wouldn't cats be better?
>A: Certainly. Cats are better. Homo sapiens might be useful as a robot hand to keep a pet cat happy. Because we need a soft, warm arm to pet a cat when it wants to be petted. (1/2)
>@Qualia_san: For cats to live without labor, they need a being to take over its labor.
>The ancient Greeks called slaves ἀνδράποδον(human feet). They were two-legged domesticated animals. I said that homo sapiens was not worthy of domestication. But they may be useful for cats. (2/2)