script.d.tsexport class SearchEngine {
constructor(projects: string[], option: {icon?: boolean; expired?: number});
search(query: string, option?: {timeout?: number; limit?:number; ambig?:number;}):
Promise<{state: 'cancelled';} | {result: string[]; state: 'fullfilled';}>;
reload(): Promise<void>;
const engine = new SearchEngine(projects, {icon: true, expired: 600})
に指定したscrapbox projectからリンクを読み込む icon: true
にすると、画像があるリンクのみ取得する expired
に、cacheの寿命を秒単位で指定する, {timeout, limit, ambig})
tstype Return = {
project: string;
title: string;
は検索しない title
のみをあいまい検索するscript.jsimport {CacheStorage} from '../scrapbox-link-database/script.js';
import {openDB} from '../idb/with-async-ittr.js';
import {singletonWorker} from '../singletonWorker/script.js';
// TODO: async-singletonで包んでおく
const workers = [...Array(navigator.hardwareConcurrency)].map(_ =>new singletonWorker('/api/code/programming-notes/advanced-link-searcher/worker.js')); // 相対パスは使えないみたい
let idCounter = 0;
export class SearchEngine {
constructor(projects, {icon = false, expired = 3600, verbose = false} = {}) {
this._id = idCounter++;
this._projects = projects;
this._cacheStorage = new CacheStorage(expired);
this._icon = icon;
this._workerStoreName = this._icon ? SearchEngine.iconStoreName : SearchEngine.linkStoreName;
this._verbose = verbose;
this._initialized = this._initialize();
static databaseName = 'UserScript-SearchEngine';
static databaseVersion = 3;
static iconStoreName = 'icon-search-list';
static linkStoreName = 'link-search-list';
async search(query, {timeout = 5000, limit = 30, ambig} = {}) {
await this._initialized;
this._log('search', 'Start a search', {query, timeout, limit, ambig});
const raw = await Promise.all(, i) =>
id: [this._id, i],
databaseName: SearchEngine.databaseName,
databaseVersion: SearchEngine.databaseVersion,
storeName: this._workerStoreName,
query, timeout, limit, ambig, verbose: this._verbose,
// 一つでも'cancelled'が混じっていたら{state: 'cancelled'}を返す
if (raw.some(({state}) => state === 'cancelled')) return {state: 'cancelled'};
// 転置して曖昧度順に結果を並べて、limit分だけ返す
const results ={data: {result}}) => result);
this._log('search', 'Finish a search', {raw, results});
return {
result: transpose(results).flatMap(lists => lists.flat()).slice(0, limit),
state: 'fullfilled',
async reload() {
const projects = await this.update(this._projects, {icon: this._icon, reload: true});
if (projects.length > 0) await this._createWorkerSource();
// Workerが検索に使うリストを作る
async _createWorkerSource() {
const data = await this._cacheStorage.get(this._projects, {icon: this._icon});
const source = this._icon ?
.flatMap(({project, titles}) => => {return {project, title};}))
// 長さ順→辞書順に並べ替える
.sort((a, b) => a.title.length === b.title.length ?
a.title.localeCompare(b.title) :
a.title.length - b.title.length
) :
// 適当にかき混ぜる
({project, pages}) => {
const titles = [ Set(pages.flatMap(({title, links}) => [title, ...links]))];
return => {return {project, title};});
this._log('_createWorkerSource', `Create ${source.length} search items.`);
// 検索用文字列リストをworkers分だけ分割する
const chunkLength = Math.floor(source.length/workers.length) + 1;
const lists =, i) => source.slice(i * chunkLength, (i + 1) * chunkLength));
// databaseに格納する
this._log('_createWorkerSource', `Put ${source.length} search items on Indexed DB.`);
const tx = this._workerDB.transaction(this._workerStoreName, 'readwrite');
const store = tx.objectStore(this._workerStoreName);
const keys = await store.getAllKeys();
await Promise.all(, index) => {
const id = [this._id, index];
return keys.some(key => key[0] === id[0] && key[1] === id[1]) ?
store.put({list, id}) :
store.add({list, id});
await tx.done;
this._log('_createWorkerSource', `Finish putting on Indexed DB.`);
async _initialize() {
this._log('_initialize', 'Start initializing');
this._workerDB = await openDB(SearchEngine.databaseName, SearchEngine.databaseVersion, {
upgrade: (db) => {
// Object Storeをすべて消す
[...db.objectStoreNames].forEach(storeName =>
db.createObjectStore(SearchEngine.iconStoreName, {keyPath: 'id'});
db.createObjectStore(SearchEngine.linkStoreName, {keyPath: 'id'});
await this._createWorkerSource();
this._log('_initialize', 'Finish initializing');
_log(functionName, ...messages) {
if (!this._verbose) return;
console.log(`[${functionName}@advanced-link-searcher]`, ...messages);
script.jsconst transpose = a => a[0].map((_, c) => => r[c]));
function shuffle(array) {
let result = array;
for (let i = result.length; 1 < i; i--) {
const k = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
[result[k], result[i - 1]] = [result[i - 1], result[k]];
return result;
let db = undefined;
let verbose = false;
self.addEventListener('message', async ({data: {id, databaseName, databaseVersion, storeName, verbose: _verbose,}}) => {
await openDB(databaseName, databaseVersion);
const source = (await db.get(storeName, id))?.list ?? [];
if (_verbose) verbose = _verbose;
self.postMessage({result: search({source,}), id,});
async function openDB(databaseName, databaseVersion) {
if (db) return;
db = await idb.openDB(databaseName, databaseVersion);
function search({source, query, ambig, limit, timeout}) {
if (!source || source.length === 0) return [];
// 値のcheck
if (typeof query !== 'string') throw Error('query is not a string.');
if (typeof ambig !== 'number' && ambig !== undefined) throw Error('ambig is not a number');
if (typeof limit !== 'number' && limit !== undefined) throw Error('limit is not a number');
if (limit <= 0) throw Error('limit is not more than 0.');
if (typeof timeout !== 'number') throw Error('timeout is not a number.');
if (timeout <= 0) throw Error('timeout is not more than 0.');
// 検索語句が空のときは、検索候補の先頭limit個を取得する
if (query.trim() === '') {
_log('search', `Finish a search for "${query}"`);
return [source.slice(0, limit).map(({project, title}) => `/${project}/${title}`)];
_log('search', 'Start fuzzy search for ', {query, ambig, limit, timeout, source});
// 空白文字で区切った文字列を並び替え、曖昧検索objectを作る
const asearches = getPermutation(query.split(/\s/))
.map(wordList => new Asearch(` ${wordList.join(' ')} `));
// ambigの最大値を計算する
let maxAmbig = ambig ?? Math.floor(` ${query} `.length / 4) + 1;
maxAmbig = maxAmbig > 4 ? 4 : maxAmbig;
// 検索する
const result = [];
const totalResults = new Set();
const start = (new Date()).getTime();
let matches;
let cancel = false; // 計算を中断するflag
for (let ambig = 0; ambig < maxAmbig; ambig++) {
matches = new Set();
for (const asearch of asearches) {
// 検索した文字列を重複を取り除いて追加する
for (const {project, title} of source) {
if (limit && totalResults.size >= limit) {
cancel = true;
const path = `/${project}/${title}`;
if (totalResults.has(path) || !asearch.match(title, ambig)) continue;
if (start + timeout < (new Date()).getTime()) {
_log('search', `time out`, {query});
cancel = true;
if (cancel) break;
if (cancel) break;
_log('search', `Finish fuzzy search for "${query}": `, result);
return result;
worker.js// 重複は考慮していない
function getPermutation(list) {
if (list.length == 0) return list;
if (list.length == 1) return [list];
if (list.length == 2) return [[list[0],list[1]],[list[1],list[0]]];
return list.flatMap(first => {
const restList = list.filter(item => item !== first);
return getPermutation(restList).map(permutation => [first, ...permutation]);
function _log(functionName, ...messages) {
if (!verbose) return;
console.log(`[${functionName}@advanced-link-searcher-worker]`, ...messages);
test1.jsimport {SearchEngine} from './script.js';
import {projects} from '../scrapbox-link-database/list.js';
const engine = new SearchEngine(projects);
window.engine = engine;
test2.jsimport {SearchEngine} from './script.js';
const engine = new SearchEngine(['icons', 'icons2', 'emoji'], {icon: true});
window.engine = engine;