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Keynote speech
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Poem: when we hear "sigularity is here," let us always remember "Plurality is here"
assistive intelligence to help us

(from mashbean) this document is Audrey's speech note

BI: limitation in reality prevents more direct democracy
ledger (scale to 1000 ppl.)
double entry - book keeping (scale further, share B/S,P/L)
accounting protocol - perform analytics on probablistic (sorry, I missed, please correct, Someone~~~akinorioyama)
Ethereum as protocol for coordination
Programmable biz, gov, soc
Waves of Decentralization (ISPs, Hosted blogs, -> keep decentralized part decentralized for the 3rd wave)
Emergent democracy
concerns - when more tools or means are popularized
DAO <= biz, law, tech, and culture/value
Resisting Reduction
money => nuance to measure others
Japanese taste that is less geared for the money should help us drive the movement
"Jet packs" (accelerate to which directions). Governance of values or how we could bubble these values up?
Intervene 12 ways (in complex systems). 3 highlighted goals. Goals <> Rules.
Pace layering. Nature, Culture, ... ->