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Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations
>"Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. Symbolizing the elements that create truth and beauty."
> – Spock 2, 2269 ("The Infinite Vulcan")
> IDIC was an acronym for Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, the basis of Vulcan philosophy, celebrating the vast array of variables in the universe. The philosophy, as well as the Vulcan people, were often represented by a triangle-over-circle insignia, referred to as an "IDIC." (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?", DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")
- スポック2、2269年(「無限のヴァルカン」)
IDICはInfinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations(無限の組み合わせにおける無限の多様性)の頭文字をとったもので、ヴァルカン哲学の基本であり、宇宙に存在する膨大な数の変数を称えるものである。この哲学とヴァルカン人は、しばしば三角形の上に円を重ねた徽章で表され、"IDIC "と呼ばれた。(TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?", DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")


>"It is basic to the Vulcan philosophy, sir. The combination of a number of things to make existence worthwhile."
>-- Kirk and Spock, "The Savage Curtain" (Star Trek: The Original Series)

>In my time, we knew not of Earthmen. I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us.
>-- 'Surak', "The Savage Curtain" (Star Trek: The Original Series) 2

>Gene Roddenberry originated the IDIC philosophy as a Vulcan belief:
> "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations represents a Vulcan belief that beauty, growth, progress -- all result from the union of the unlike. Concord, as much as discord, requires the presence of at least two different notes. The brotherhood of man is an ideal based on learning to delight in our essential differences, as well as learning to recognize our similarities. The circle and triangle combine to produce the gemstone in the center as the union of words and music creates song, or the union of marriage creates children.
