generated at
> みんなで Scrapbox に纏めた awesome-nostr-japanese を さんが Markdown に変換してくれたので、今朝一瞬だけオープンにしていた GitHub リポジトリを再度開いて pull-req 貰ってマージしました。こっちに pull-req 頂いた方が、世界のユーザからリーチしやすいと思います。

wss:// - World wide relay by imksoo
wss:// - Japanese oriented relay by imksoo
wss:// - ipv6 relay by imksoo
wss:// - Free relay by h3z
wss:// - Paid relay by h3z
wss:// - Relay to access "" from overseas by h3z
wss:// by ほりべあ
wss:// by αυγοτάραχο σολωμου
wss:// by nokotaro

Web Services
Nostrends - Trending posts on nostr. by akiomik
nostrbuzzs - Trending nostr's buzz word by darashi
nostr-post-checker - Checking existence of the post in the relays by koteitan
Nosli - Create curated list of posts on nostr with NIP-23 backend. by akiomik
nostr-picker - Nostr Picker by penpenpng
murasaki - Nostr speaker on web with VOICEVOX by darashi
Nosaray - Wayback Machine for Nostr by jiftechnify
nostr-notes-duplicate - Post synchronization tool to multiple relays by imksoo
NostrFlu - Find and display past kind:3 (Contacts) events from multiple relays, backup and etc by heguro
NosTx - To Nostr client transformer from note & userpub key by ShinoharaTa
Nostr search portal - Nostr portal. Big function is a search engine in japanese. and etc. by hoku
nostrbbs - BBS using nostr as data storage by ikeji

Web Clients
nostter - Nostr client for web. by SnowCait
Rabbit - A nostr client like TweetDeck made with SolidJS. by syusui-s
Astraea - Nostr client for web. by mouse
GARNET - Nostr Public Chat(NIP-28) Client. by murakmii - search web client by darashi

CLI Clients
algia - A cli application for nostr by mattn

Relay implementations
nostr-relay - sqlite3 friendly nostr relay. backup by litestream. by mattn
searchnos - An experimental implementation of NIP-50. by darashi

nostr-keyx - A NIP-07 browser extension that uses the OS's keychain or YubiKey to protect your private keys. by susumuota

haiku - Haiku collector by mattn
golang_news - Go language news by mattn
EEWなまずくん予報 - Earthquake Early Warning by matsuu
Nostify - A bot that posts Nostr posts that match the filter settings to discord. by kojira
Nostr-chan communication bots powered by ChatGPT(Currently there are 8 related bots) by kojira
Qchan - Create a Japanese timeline summary
ログボbot - A bot to earn "Login bonus" by erechorse
じほう - a bot that tells JST time by mono
tm2 - a bot that tells JST time by mono

nostr-fetch - A utility library that allows JS/TS apps to effortlessly fetch past events from Nostr relays. by jiftechnify
rx-nostr - A utility to control Nostr in RxJS. by penpenpng
nostr-mux - Multiplexed connections management for Nostr client. by murakmii

SoftwareDesign - In a few months, SoftwareDesign, a magazine published by gihyo, a publisher of technical information magazines, will publish a series of articles about nostr.

Blog Entries


Nostr勉強会#0 (nostrstudy #0) - nostr conference 1 in Japan powered by 四谷ラボ
Nostr勉強会#1 (nostrstudy #1) - nostr conference 2 in Japan powered by 四谷ラボ

See also