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Translation Examples
### Japanese [nishio.icon]あなたは日本語に詳しい研究者です。日本語の「[納得]」は英語では[agreement]や[understanding]と訳されるようです。しかし私は「agreement」は「[合意]」で、「understanding」は「[理解]」で、どちらも「納得」とは違う意味に感じます。日本語における3つとの単語「納得」「合意」「理解」のニュアンスの違いについて説明してください。 ### English [nishio.icon]You are an expert researcher on the Japanese language. The Japanese word "[納得]"(NATTOKU) seems to be translated as "[agreement]" or "[understanding]" in English. However, I feel that "agreement" is "[合意]"(GOUI) and "understanding" is "[理解]"(RIKAI) in Japanese. Both of which have different meanings from "understanding". Please explain the difference in nuance between the three words "納得", "合意", "理解" in Japanese. ### Japanese 西尾泰和のScrapbox ### English NISHIO Hirokazu's Scrapbox