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Quadratic Votingがシナジーの発見に有用
o1 Pro
Meetup with Audrey & GlenでAudrey Tang が「二次投票(Quadratic Voting, QV)」を使って supermodular(スーパーモジュラ)なシナジーの高いプロジェクトを見いだす事例を説明している箇所の引用です(英語原文のまま抜粋)。続いてポイントを簡潔に解説します。

>(Audrey Tang)
> "So in Taiwan since 2018 the Presidential Hackathon every year we have like 200 teams, many many teams. A classic question is how to make sure that we discover which teams have synergy, which teams they work together. ... In Taiwan we use quadratic voting for this. So once you get to the Presidential Hackathon website, you’re asked to log in, and once you log in, you have 99 points, 99 credits.
> Nobody spends 99 points on 99 projects so far—I’ve not seen anyone do this. They prefer to go to their favorite project and start voting on it, but they very quickly find they cannot vote 99 votes because 1 vote costs 1 point, 2 votes cost 4 points, 3 votes cost 9 points, and so on—quadratic. ... With 99 points you can’t cast 10 votes (which would require 100), you only have 9 votes (81 points). Once you vote that 9th vote, you still have 18 points left. Nobody wants to waste those 18 points, so people start looking for other projects to see which ones have synergy. ... When people started using quadratic voting, we have much, much better synergy information just based on who voted for which combination of projects—how these would work together.
> ... And the top 20 (projects) tends to be the ones that work best with many projects, which means they’re more supermodular. So this is how we concretely use quadratic voting to discover that something is more supermodular than the other."

多数のプロジェクト(例: 大統領ハッカソンの 200 チーム)から「どれがシナジー相乗効果)を持ち、組み合わせると全体成果が最大化されるか」を見つけるのは難しい。
QV(Quadratic Voting)のしくみ
1票目→1ポイント、2票目→さらに合計4ポイント、3票目→合計9ポイント… のように“二乗”コストが増える。
QVの結果「多くの人が併せて投票したプロジェクト」= シナジーのある組み合わせが把握でき、さらに予算配分や連携の優先度を決めやすい。