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Notification flood 2023-05-02
English conversation lesson on Notification flood
B: Notification flood is a difficult problem to be solved, and we don't know the solution just right now. People get too many notifications every day. Maybe AI could help us.
A: AI is a useful tool that could be used for many things, but if the person sets their notifications to silent, there's no way you can do. We could give permission to flash notifications across the screen, even though it's annoying, it's effective.
B: So I think the AI should understand our situation. For example, I am working and I'm busy writing a document. In such cases, notifications shouldn't appear. When I finish the document and send it, that's a nice time to show the notification.
A: It would defeat the purpose of flashing the notification on your screen. The purpose is to grabbing someone's attention when you need it. We need to stop whatever they're doing and make them attend to that call. Now, if I need you at 10:20 and you finish your work at 10:45 and AI allows the notification to come through then, it might be too late.
B: I see. So the AI should judge if it is urgent or not.
A: AI cannot judge if someone's work is urgent or not. The whole point is to show notifications in a way that will get someone's attention. But you're saying that notification would reduce their efficiency because they are distracted. Your solution is good, but it will defeat the purpose of sending a notification. If we have to wait for someone to finish their work before we tell them they need to join a meeting, then what's the point?
B: I ss. So we need to express if each notification is urgent or not. If it's urgent, it should pass through the blocking. If it's not urgent, it should wait until the target person finishes their current task.
A: Okay. In that situation, I think you would need to program it at your end.

A: 通知を画面に表示する意味がなくなります。目的は、必要なときに誰かの注意を引くことです。何をしていても中断して、その電話に出席させる必要があるのです。今、私が10時20分にあなたを必要としていて、あなたが10時45分に仕事を終えて、AIがその時に通知が来るようにしても、遅すぎるかもしれませんね。
A: AIは、ある人の仕事が緊急かどうかを判断することはできません。要は、誰かの注意を引くような形で通知を表示すればいいのです。しかし、あなたが言っているのは、通知を表示することで、相手が気を取られ、効率が落ちるということです。あなたの解決策は良いのですが、通知を送るという目的を失うことになります。誰かが仕事を終えるのを待ってから、会議に参加する必要があることを伝えなければならないとしたら、何の意味があるのでしょうか?
B: そうだね。だから、それぞれの通知が緊急かどうかを表現する必要があるんだ。緊急であれば、ブロッキングを通過させるべきです。緊急でない場合は、対象者が現在のタスクを終えるまで待つことになります。
A: なるほど、そのような場合は、自分の側でプログラミングする必要がありそうですね。

B: Or we can use system to flag some emails as urgent.
A: I see, but many people set the urgent flag for every email.
B: I heard about an interesting idea. The sender of notifications should pay for it, and this is a kind of auction. The person who paid the most get the best priority of showing the notification. It's a kind of adjustment using the market mechanism. This mechanism can solve the problem of spam mail because spammers can't pay so much money.
A: That is a very radical idea.
B: The sender should pay for getting attention. You may think it's ridiculous, but in some situations, it will work for solving the flood of notifications. The flood of notifications is caused by people who can send notifications for free, so they easily send a lot of notifications.
A: It is a kind of thought experiment. I think there's a good intersection of economics and IT in this situation because once the element of payment is introduced, people will try to spend efficient the resources, and they are not going to misuse it. There will definitely be a shift in the activity. Unless the demand for those notifications is inelastic in that situation.
B: What does “Inelastic” mean?
A: Inelastic means the demand for notifications does not react to the price of those notifications, no matter what. In that situation, we'll say the demand is inelastic.
B: Ah, “not elastic”, I got it.
A: Yes, not elastic. It doesn't respond to the movement of prices. So whether the price goes up or goes down, it's still the same. In economics, we say it is inelastic.
B: I think, when some people become very busy, the price to get their attention will rise because of market mechanisms. And if the price is visualized, we can see the price before we send the message. We can understand if the person is currently busy. Sometimes we can ask it to other people, so the burden of notifications becomes flat.
A: You want equalize the burden.
B: Equalize, that’s what I wanted to say.
A: That could also work. Where did you hear of this idea?
B: My friend wrote it on Twitter.

A: なるほど、でも多くの人はすべてのメールに緊急のフラグを立てていますね。
B: 面白いアイデアを聞いたんだ。通知の送信者がお金を払うべきで、これは一種のオークションです。一番多くお金を払った人が、一番優先的に通知を表示できる。市場原理を利用した一種の調整です。スパマーは大金を払えないので、このメカニズムでスパムメールの問題を解決することができます。
A: それはとても過激なアイデアですね。
A: 一種の思考実験です。決済という要素が入ると、人はリソースを効率的に使おうとするし、悪用もしなくなるから、経済学とITがうまく交差している状況だと思う。アクティビティに変化が起きるのは間違いないでしょう。そのような状況で、その通知に対する需要が非弾性的でなければね。
A: 非弾力的とは、通知に対する需要が、その通知の価格に対して、何があっても反応しないことを意味します。そのような状況では、需要が非弾性的であると言うことになりますね。
B: 平準化、それが言いたかったんです。
A: それもいいかもしれませんね。このアイデアはどこで聞いたんですか?
B: 友達がTwitterで書いてました。