DAO and culture
The Chinese run DAO for a first taste of democracy
Hong Kong people run DAO to keep democracy;
Taiwanese operate DAO to pretend to be democratic.
Therefore, Chinese DAO emphasizes the voting system.
Hong Kong DAO deliberately does not have a big stage.
Taiwan DAO is easy to scatter.
This is the insight of these two years of care.
>nishio_en Interesting viewpoint. Even if we use DAO as an infrastructure to build an organization, the actual structures of organizations are different. It depends on the culture. How about it is in Japan?
>nishio_en Japanese people like to make consensus of all people rather than strong leadership. The information sharing is important to make good consensus. However, on the other hand, they tend to hesitate expressing their opinions. They don’t share information about how they feel.
>nishio_en I don’t have much experience on that. It is just my guess but they may give all members equal amount of vote power, and only a few people express own opinions. So in that case the vote become the way to express own feelings anonymously.
>nishio_en I’m writing my opinions with my legal name identified. That is an outlier in Japanese culture. I wonder why so many Japanese prefer to make unidentified account on sns.
DeepL Japanese
>nishio_en 面白い視点ですね。DAOをインフラとして組織を作るとしても、実際の組織の構造は違う。文化にもよる。日本ではどうなんだろう。