(2.2.5) You do not have to determine the priority now
I introduced various topic related to
prioritization. I summarize it here.
First of all, prioritization is more difficult than we expected. Sorting many items is time-consuming. Even with only two tasks, it is not so easy because there are multiple evaluation axes and uncertainties. Is this difficult prioritization possible for people who are currently confused by the burden of tasks? I think it is impossible.
David Allen of
GTD thought that our sense of values and purpose of life are clarified
gradually while doing daily activities. Once your axis of values is clarified, you can judge the importance of each task against that axis. The prioritization becomes possible after that. The prioritization is not a task to do now. By doing specific tasks in front of you, observing what task you like and what task makes you happy every day, eventually, you become being able to prioritize tasks.