generated at

>nishio AとBの選択においてBではなくAが選ばれることに1万円払って良いと思ってる人、1票に1万円払ってもいいと思ってるわけではなく総額で1万円払って良いと思ってるわけなので、その人の選好の強さは100円しか払えない人と比べて100倍ではなく10倍だとなるの、なんかトートロジー感があるような
>nishio あ、書き忘れたけどQuadratic Votingで現金で投票権を得る場合の話ね

Instructor often say "what were you doing today" and it is the most difficult question for me even if asked in Japanese.
I am doing what I want to do.
One idea come up with me. How about to answer "today l learned〜"?
Today I learned about quadratic voting, do you know?
It is new voting mechanism.

In the first lesson, I did not use the textbook and disscussed about Quadratic Voting and Polis. It's nice practice oppotunity for me!
At least, I can speak the basic concept of QV and Polis.
I should review the recording of the lesson.
Because we discussed all over the time, no note are taken.
The goverment give 100 tokens for each person. The person can use those token for voting.
X can be carried over to the next vote.
Or "We can use the unused credit to the next vote"
It becomes like a currency.
Whether to make it possible to purchase X is a difficult problem.
When I spend 100 credits, I'll get 10 votes. When I spend 1 credit, I'll get 1 vote. So even if I spend a lot of money, I can not buy so much voting power.
If you want to get 10 times as many votes, you have to pay 100 times as much.
However, the rich already have 100 times more money.
Even if the issue was important to me, my financial resources are limited and I cannot buy enough votes
X reduces that risk, but does not eliminate it.
wealth gap
gigantic /d͡ʒaɪˈɡæntɪk/
We should pay for the vote with something other than monetary value.

When the necessity comes

>nishio 自分の英語の議論の録音を聞き返してるんだけど、相手と意見の食い違うところに関して僕が何か反論をして、相手がそれを反論だと理解したタイミングで相手の喋るスピードがネイティブスピードになったり隙間なく喋って文章の塊が大きくなることで僕がついていけなくなってるのだな。
>nishio つまり僕はこのシチュエーションを俯瞰して、この状態に陥った時に適切にインタラプトを掛けて「その速度で話されるとこちらは理解できない」とフィードバックし、速度を落とさせることが必要なのかな。
>nishio Sorry, too fast to understand! とかかな

to write about non-copyable value
